Introducing memography® and the memetic web®
October 22nd, 2005Welcome to the memetic web. Please join the conversation about the next big tool for enterprise search, the memelink.
The hyperlink made the world-wide web possible.
Google’s tracking of the inbound hyperlinks to web pages created their PageRank® system, the technical basis for the world’s most successful search engine.
Now the memelink provides nearly perfect precision and recall for Internet and intranet search results.
Combining existing taxonomies and ontologies with the equivalent of a bibliographic “call number” for every meme, memography is a technical advance based on library science and information architecture.
As with folksonomies, anyone can add meme tags to their web content to make it part of the new memetic web. Folksonomy applications are generally limited to specific websites, like flickr and Memography is a social classification scheme that can be used throughout the web.
A folksonomy is a “bottom-up” architecture allowing users to make up arbitrary tags. Memography lets you create your own memes, but it adds the “top-down” architecture of multiple taxonomies to categorize and control the many descriptors available to add machine-readable meaning to your web pages.
A memelink is just a meme ID or tag wrapped in a hyperlink to the page on the memography wiki that describes the aboutness of the meme.
Just as an RFID tags a physical object (atoms), a meme ID tags a virtual object (bits). But you can use as many meme IDs as you like to completely describe the content.
Memography and the memetic web are licensed as creative commons.